“这是一瓶带有清新的感觉和浓郁的果味的好葡萄酒。It is a good wine with freshness and fruit. ”
Jean-Michel Cazes

“这的确是中国市场上最好的葡萄酒。Definitely the of the best Chinese white wine on the market.”
Sergio Carlei

“我很荣幸能够率先把你的葡萄酒介绍给我的客人。莎当妮尤其出众,而我深信对于一众食家来说,配衬着我们亚洲风格的菜肴,这会是一个很好的体验。I am honored to be the first to introduce your wine to my guests. Chardonnay is particularly outstanding, and I am confident that it will be a good experience for a group of eaters to match our Asian-style dishes.”
Andre Jaeger
Relais & Châteaux 业主及大厨
Relais & Châteaux 业主及大厨

“晨曦似的的色泽就像微笑般灿烂,清新的气味犹如天山(葡萄生长的地方)清晨吹送的微风,略高的酸感恰度好处,并留下强烈而令人印象深刻的结尾。 有谁想到这瓶无可挑剔的葡萄酒是出自于中国西部的呢?Its dawn-pale colour was as bright as a smile. In the glass it smelled as fresh as the morning air of the foothills of the Tian Shan Mountains where the grapes weregrown. The concert-pitch acidity was just right and left a finish as bold and emphatic as an exclamation mark. Who would ever guess that such an impeccable
wine could be made in western China? ”
wine could be made in western China? ”
Stuart George
英国唯一独立葡萄酒顾问, 得奖作家及博客作者
英国唯一独立葡萄酒顾问, 得奖作家及博客作者

“我刚才跟我的Tasting Director, Christelle Guibert试过了你的葡萄酒,对它留下深刻印象。 它的风格有如非常年青的Chablis,清新优雅而且带有怡人的矿物味。 衷心祝贺你﹗I have just tasted your wine with my Tasting Director, Christelle Guibert. We were both impressed with it, like a very young Chablis in style, with lovely freshness, minerality and elegance. Many congratulations! ”
Sarah Kemp
Decanter杂志主编及网站发起人, Decanter世界葡萄酒大奖始创人
Decanter杂志主编及网站发起人, Decanter世界葡萄酒大奖始创人

“两款葡萄酒的酒精度为12%,感觉优雅。 我认为你们的莎当妮是很有实力的葡萄酒,没有橡木味掩盖葡萄酒的细致感,其复杂性却跟食物的味道和口感都很搭配,是能令人尽情享受的好酒。Both wines have an elegance born of the 12% Alc, and I felt the Chardonnay shows real promise. It has subtle qualities without oak to overpower it with enough flavour to match the flavours and textures of the food. Really enjoyable wine.”
Philip Goodband

“我试过了你的Admiral's Reserve 2010 Chardonnay – 它在我新的“中国”品酒档案中占了一个重要位置。 它的味道清新轻盈,香蕉和花香味细致,绝对应该大受欢迎,亦很适合配衬佳肴。I have now tried the Admiral's Reserve 2010 Chardonnay you sent me -- it has pride of place in my new 'China' tasting file. It's very clean, fresh, light, with delicate banana and floral notes; it should have wide appeal, and drink well with food.”
Andre Jefford
国际知名葡萄酒作家, 2011年度Louis Roederer奖得主
国际知名葡萄酒作家, 2011年度Louis Roederer奖得主

这两款葡萄酒表现出果实的密度和成熟度在每季的发展,两款酒的结构皆前途无限。I should add that the Chardonnay really did have a Chablis feel to it in terms of fruit and structure and body, but with those aromatic top notes was quite unusual. Bravo!In both wines it will be fascinating to see how the fruit density and richness develops each season. The structure of each wine is very promising.”
这两款葡萄酒表现出果实的密度和成熟度在每季的发展,两款酒的结构皆前途无限。I should add that the Chardonnay really did have a Chablis feel to it in terms of fruit and structure and body, but with those aromatic top notes was quite unusual. Bravo!In both wines it will be fascinating to see how the fruit density and richness develops each season. The structure of each wine is very promising.”
Justin Knock
葡萄酒大师, 酿酒师, 葡萄酒撰写人, 葡萄酒记者
葡萄酒大师, 酿酒师, 葡萄酒撰写人, 葡萄酒记者

“从前的我对中国葡萄酒不太感兴趣,这两款酒确实使我大开眼界。Both wines were definitely an eye opener for me when it comes to wines from China as what I have tasted in the past have been of less interest. ”
Madeleine Stenwreth

“莎当妮带有热带水果以及少许蜜糖和鳯梨的香气,在口腔中能留下很好的余韵。 我能感到此酒恰好的酸度和持久的结尾。
Cabernet sauvignon拥有鲜果的香气,典型的cabernet sauvignon味道如覆盆子、雪利、梅子和少许青果的味道。 入口感觉清新、良好的酸度、持久的结尾和重果味的余韵。
可喜可贺﹗The chardonnay has notes of tropical fruits, also some notes like honey and pineapples. In the mouth, have good after taste, is good in the back palate, I can feel good acidity and long finish.The cabernet sauvignon, in the nose have some notes and fresh fruit like raspberries, sherry, plums and a touch of green notes, typically of cabernet sauvignon. In the mouth feel is fresh, have good acidity, long finish and in the aftertaste is fruity again.Congratulations!”
Cabernet sauvignon拥有鲜果的香气,典型的cabernet sauvignon味道如覆盆子、雪利、梅子和少许青果的味道。 入口感觉清新、良好的酸度、持久的结尾和重果味的余韵。
可喜可贺﹗The chardonnay has notes of tropical fruits, also some notes like honey and pineapples. In the mouth, have good after taste, is good in the back palate, I can feel good acidity and long finish.The cabernet sauvignon, in the nose have some notes and fresh fruit like raspberries, sherry, plums and a touch of green notes, typically of cabernet sauvignon. In the mouth feel is fresh, have good acidity, long finish and in the aftertaste is fruity again.Congratulations!”
Gonzalo Castro P.
智利知名酒庄 San Pedro首席酿酒师
智利知名酒庄 San Pedro首席酿酒师